American History 2000-2012United States Visual Time Line of Our 21st Century by Gaye Lub

American History 2000-2012

United States Visual Time Line of Our 21st Century by Gaye Lub

Day 5 (20 day story) year 2004

23. 2004

Year 2004 – Art Title: “No Draft”

DOWNLOAD ART 2004 “No Draft”

Open Source/Copy Left: Actual size: 44” X 62”


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24. 2004 BackDoor Draft

Mood Of The Nation: In 2004 during our presidential election President George W. Bush said there would be NO DRAFT! This made us feel that the war in Afghanistan and Iraq were under control. His words made us feel that our soldiers would be coming home soon.

11/04/2004 – Bush wins Re-Election

Backdoor Draft: Bush promised the American people that there would be no draft. Instead he called in the “Backdoor Draft” which kept more than 50,000 military service members in service beyond their original agreements.

Americans were not aware that increases in military spending also went to hiring private multinational mercenaries to fight for us.


25. 2004 Bush Response Iraq

02/03/2004 – CIA admits that the imminent threat from weapons of mass destruction was not present before the 2003 Iraq invasion began.

06/09/2003 – The Senate Intelligence Committee released a unanimous “Report on Pre-War Intelligence on Iraq,” evaluating the assessments that formed the basis for the Bush administration’s justifications for the war.

It strongly criticized the CIA and other intelligence agencies, concluding that “most of the major key judgments” on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction were either “overstated, or were not supported by, the underlying intelligence report.”

It challenged the CIA’s assertions (declaration, statement, claim, allegation, affirmation), that Iraq was reconstituting (building up again) its nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programs.

It also concluded that there were “no operational links” between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein, exposing another false justification for the war used by Bush and Cheney.

In October, the Iraq Survey Group’s final report confirmed that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction nor a formal plan to revive its WMD program.

In response, Bush says “Removal of Iraq’s repressive dictatorship is grounds enough for waging war” and contended “America is safer today with Saddam Hussein in prison.” That was not what he said before to the UN, Congress and the American People.


26. 2004 Sold

2004 – US Home-ownership all time high of 69%.

2004 – Federal budget deficit reached a record $413 billion in 2004.

The “Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that two-thirds of the 2004 deficit were the result of Bush Tax Cuts.

The Bush administration countered that the president’s tax cuts had in fact kept the country’s recession shallow and brief and were now stimulating the economy.


27. 2004 Prison

2004 – The United States has the highest prison population in the world.

Ten (10) million people were on probation, in jail or in prison.


28. 2004 Iraq Chaos

2004 – Iraq descends into chaos.

10/25/2004 “Report Suspicious Activity”: 380 tons, or about 100 truckloads of explosives are reported missing from a military installation south of Baghdad.

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