American History 2000-2012United States Visual Time Line of Our 21st Century by Gaye Lub

American History 2000-2012

United States Visual Time Line of Our 21st Century by Gaye Lub

Day 12 (20 day story) year 2011

61. 2011

2011 “Occupy”

DOWNLOAD ART 2011 “Occupy”

Open Source/Copy Left: Actual size: 44” X 62”


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“Taking it to the streets” VIDEO 1 minute 50 seconds: Youtube / Primitive but real:

“American History 2000 – 2012” VIDEO 7 minutes:


62. 2011 Live Beyond 9-11

Personal: Between 2008 and 2011 six friends came to live with us because they had no place to go. We tried to refinance our home. The refinance application was insanely demanding, it took 2 months, 150 emails and we got declined. Many of the stores we sell to went bankrupt and others asked for extra financing. To keep our company’s cash flow we withdrew from our pension fund to loan it to our business.

2011 – CPI Consumer Price Index: The value of $1 U.S.D. is $0.69 compared to 2000. This means that our currency lost 31% of its purchase power in 11 years.

2011- Japan hit by powerful earthquake and tsunami causing the worst nuclear disaster yet. Radiation makes its way towards the U.S. affecting sea life and our food supply.


63. 2011 Debt Slavery

2011 “ Debt = Slavery”

2011 – Protestors take to the streets to Occupy Wall Street. Claiming that large corporations and the global financial system are benefiting a few and undermining democracy. Within its first month protests had expanded to 700 cities in over 80 countries making the “Occupy” movement the largest international protest in history. We were able to see its early stages in mainstream news and then had to switch to alternative Internet media to learn of the repressive measures taken by authorities to neutralize it.

2011- Disillusioned with big banks, 650,000 US customers moved $4.5 Billion to smaller local banks.


64. 2011 People VS Corporations

2011 “People VS Corporations ”

2011 – PUBLIC NOTICE:  Due to lost jobs, bank fees, tuition hikes, oil spills, insider trading, budget cuts, military hikes, secret funding, indefinite detention, warranty-less spying, and bi-partisan stalling, Americans no longer know who to trust.


65. 2011 War Spending

2011 “War Spending”

2011 –  The out of grace mercenary group Blackwater, also known as XE, changes its name again to: ACADEMI – Elite Trained Protection “10 years experience deploying over 75,000 personnel around the globe”.

Changing names worked and ACADEMI receives a new $250 Million contract to provide military services in Afghanistan. John Aschroft, former U.S. Attorney General under Bush, becomes Academi’s New Ethics Director.

2011 – Xbox 360 releases a new video game called “Blackwater”. Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater, compares the game to children playing cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians, so young minds get the impression that being an action killer is cool. You can watch this game trailer at:

2011- More U.S. soldiers are dying from suicide than in combat during the Afghanistan and Iraq War.


66. 2011 WTC Building 7

2011 “WTC Building 7”

2011- Only 5% of Americans know that 3 buildings fell at the World Trade Center on 9/11. Even less know that Thermite (an explosive used to demolish steel buildings) was found in the WTC debris. Calls for a new independent investigation continue to be ignored.

5 Facts about Building 7

1) If fire caused Building 7 to collapse, it would be the first ever fire-induced collapse of a steel-frame high-rise.

2) Building 7’s collapse was not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report.

3) It took the federal government seven years to conduct an investigation and issue a report for Building 7.

4) Over 1,700 American architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investigation into the destruction of Building 7, specifying that it should include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives.

5) Building 7 housed several intelligence and law enforcement agencies including:

_ Department of Defense (DOD)

_ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

_ United States Secret Service (SS)

_ Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

_ Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

_ Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)

_ New York City Office of Emergency Service (“Giuliani’s Bunker”)

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