American History 2000-2012United States Visual Time Line of Our 21st Century by Gaye Lub

American History 2000-2012

United States Visual Time Line of Our 21st Century by Gaye Lub

Update: September 28, 2012

Greetings from Middle Class America,

Ryan McGuire has been working on a documentary about “American History 2000 – 2012”.
To view the trailer go to:

On August 12th, 2012 we showed “American History 2000 – 2012” at our home to our local community. This was the first time I saw the collection full scale complete. Two weeks later we were on display with Fractal Nation Camp at Burning Man 2012.  What an experience. I’m still processing and trying to figure out ways to take this project further.

I’m attaching some photos from Burning Man to help visualize the scale of the printed collages. I’m also attaching photos of Wall Street Burning. To learn more about the artist and team that build Wall Street at Burning Man go to:

The 2012 panel is a work in progress. Estimated time of completion is March 2013.

Good Luck to All!

Sincerely, Gaye

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U.S. Dollar and Interest Rates

The U.S. Government should be printing U.S. dollars and controlling interest rates, NOT the Federal Reserve. Who is the Federal Reserve?

Support Public Banking

If states owned their own banks money deposited and distributed could stay local, working for that state. Our cities would not have to pay high interest rates to international multi layered financial institutions.

Re-Identify Corporate Personhood

It’s been noted that the number of lobbyists in Washington D.C. is over twelve thousand. Corporations, Foundations and Think Tanks that are funded by Corporations and Foundations, spend Millions of U.S.D. lobbying self-interest issues that work for international institutions and challenge public financial, health and well being, for present and future generations. Start backtracking some of the bad decisions that have been made.

If individual citizens acted in irresponsible ways that specific corporations have been known to do, they would be put in jail.

Corporate Personhood represents groups of people under the name of individual corporations. It’s hard to find someone to blame when you have 20,000 employees, even harder when you are one corporation that is under a PARENT corporation that has 100 children corporations.

The top layer decision makers of these institutions need to be responsible for what their employees do. Re-Identify Corporate Personhood.


American goods have been outsourced to other countries. Our daily personal consumption is overwhelmed with imported products (Read the Labels). It needs to be more users friendly to buy products made in America. Tax Imports and bring Factories back to America.

Buy Local

Take the time to go to the market and buy fresh local grown produce. Spend the evening cooking a health meal and invite friends over to share it.

Be Conscious

Pay attention to what the news media and advertising is telling you. Read between the lines and the fine print. If you have an emotional reaction don’t ignore it.

Consciously be aware that choices being made in the name of America and Democracy may not be your choices.

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We need to find a balance

We invaded Iraq because evidence showed Sadam was building Weapons of Mass Destruction. This evidence was challenged and later proven to be a lie, falsified and incomplete. Who benefited?

I question are we the people living in the United States existing within a democracy? Democracy is the word used to justify war in the mid east.

Our world is becoming one world but our cultures and freedoms are being monitored and controlled by interests that feel like they have an agenda of their own.

Consciously we need to find a balance.

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Politics and the Defense and Media Industry

FIRE ALARM: In September 2000 a 90 page report titled “REBUILDING AMERICAS DEFENSES – Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century” was launched by a THINK TANK called “Project for the new American Century” (PNAC).

This report established four core missions for the U.S. Military:

  1. Defend the American homeland;
  2. Fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars;
  3. Perform the “constabulary” duties associated with shaping the security environment in critical regions;
  4. Transform U.S. forces to exploit the “Revolution in Military Affairs”;

NOTE: This is September 2000

PNAC set off fire alarms when I started researching their associates and where their funding was coming from. They are an interconnecting web of politicians, authors, journalists, publishers and the news media. There was also an interconnection between other THINK TANKS with similar agendas who’s funding also came from the same military industrial conglomerations, oil industry, banking industry and Family Foundations that have profited from current and past wars.

NOTE: Two Bush presidents of the United States of America have attacked Iraq and put our country into a depressed recession.

Convoluted – Swaps and Trades

FIRE ALARM: The interconnectivity between Financial Institutions, the Military Industrial Complex, Oil Industry, the Transportation and Shipping Industry is multi national and complex.

Interconnectivity flows into the Pharmaceutical Industry, Health Industry, Farming Industry, Food Packing and Distribution along with the Retail Industry (clothing, appliances, personal care products, etc.).

In 2002 when the Blue Print for the American Dream unfolded, EASY CREDIT became available for everyone. Consumer consumption frenzy took hold as the war in Afghanistan expanded to Iraq.

By 2007 EASY CREDIT dried up. Our inflated assets deflated. People lost jobs and their homes. War spending in Iraq and Afghanistan continued to increase.

The 2008 stock market crash and Wall Street Bail Out shocked, awed and squeezed us again financially and emotionally.  The money the banks received was NOT provided to the banks customers. It was impossible to get a loan.  Refinancing our inflated homes became a lesson in hardship as unemployment skyrocketed in 2009.

In 2010 I traveled through the mid west. I noticed in many towns that Main Street U.S.A. was Foreclosed, For Sale or For Rent. Dollar Stores and Thrift Stores were open for business as well as Wallmart.  On the highway I saw newer shopping centers with generic retail stores. The items offered in these generic stores were NOT made in America. Our shopping choices had become limited to the imports being advertised to us. Americana had become homogenized.

I had similar experiences traveling to major U.S. cities. I see the same generic, name brand stores. When you read the labels in these stores try and find anything made in the U.S.A.

Shock and Awe images in the news media and advertising, of war, fear, consumerism and patriotism have played with our emotions. Health care and global warming issues have been bouncing back and forth between debates, of truth and fiction.

Information we’ve received told us to be afraid and buy.

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Politics and the Financial Industry

FIRE ALARM: In 1992 Bill Clinton was running for president – Under George Bush Senior, America had slid into depression.  NOTE: Under George Bush Senior America attacked Iraq,  “First Iraq War A.K.A. Persian Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm, and Gulf War”.

Clinton promised that he would use the political power of the presidency to rescue the nation. He won the election in November 3, 1992.

In January 1993 a few days before his inauguration two leading members of the financial world came to see him. One was Alan Greenspan, head of the Federal Reserve the other was Clintons new Economic Advisor, Robert Rubin the head of Goldman Sachs.

They told Clinton that his political plans were impossible. He was inheriting a huge government deficit. If he borrowed more money to pay for his campaign promises interest rates would rise, people would stop borrowing and it would be an economic disaster.

They told him that there was an alternative way to build a better society. Let the market do it. Give away the governments authority regulating the markets and let them thrive unrestricted.

Clinton agreed and began to cut government regulations on business. The economy began to boom.

FIRE ALARM: In 1998 Citicorp, a commercial bank holding company, merged with Travelers Group, an insurance company to form the conglomerate Citigroup. This merger was illegal. Laws had been established during the depression in the 1930’s to limit activities between commercial banks, investment banks and insurance companies.

FIRE ALARM: In September 1998 The Federal Reserve gave Citigroup a temporary waiver.

FIRE ALARM: In 1999 Bill Clinton signed the “Financial Services Modernization Act “ – A.K.A. The Gramm–Leach–Bliley (GLB), allowing commercial banks, investment banks, securities firms, and insurance companies to consolidate. The GLB Act led to the deregulation of major financial institutions.

FIRE ALARM: The credit lending market went out of control. The results were witnessed in 2008 when Congress rejected to give Wall Street a $700. BILLION U.S.D. BAILOUT. We watched 1.2 TRILLION U.S.D. evaporate in one day.

RESULT: Many people lost their retirement investments and Wall Street Banks got a $700. BILLION BAILOUT.

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